Seuss's Cat Post

Friday, January 19, 2007

Colour Call - I've had some come in!

I got very excited about finally getting some pieces come through and I got not just one but two pieces so double the excitement!!
I got a nice postcard style piece from Michal Graczyk from Poland as shown to the side. I like the use of colours, similar families as such with the blue and red making some purple and the red and yellow making some orange. This probably doesn't make sense but it does to me and my mind has temporarily forgotten the technical terms ;)

And from Miguel Jimenez I got an interesting postcard with a naked lady on it as well some copies of/digital ATC's which are intruiging and colourful!!

The ATC's picture isn't the best so I will try and update this to a better one in the near future. I feel re-energised having had some people's work and just hope that the flow of work continues. I am going to get to making a nice piece for each of them :)


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